Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Two Is Better Than One and News Flash! Project Runway

Freshly Carved                 Original

 The quest is over looking for a block maker. Check it, It's true, there is a person that's not a block maker by profession that can carve and make BEAUTIFUL blocks and does them perfectly. Amazed? I am. Genius or artist? Both apply.  If you want info about him.. email
If any of you have been wondering who Armando is NEWS FLASH   
I've known Mondo since he was a wee teen.  Now he is a wee Designer Extraordinaire.  OH!  There's that word again.. DEAL.  PS  The "Y" is Spanish for "and or plus" not the middle initial of Armando y Montez.  Just to clarify that.  Anyway watch "Project Runway"  on the Lifetime Channel..PSSS  He doesn't have anything to do with this blog. That is an other long story.